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Monday, 13 April 2015

Boost your energy with super foods

The ruthless sun saps us of energy, leaving us dehydrated and lethargic. In summer, we need energy-giving foods that will boost our metabolism, regulate muscle function and give us instant energy. Read on to find out how you can revitalise yourself with these quick low-calorie energy boosters.

Coconut water: It helps boost energy levels instantly. It hydrates your system and washes out toxins.

Bananas: Bananas are loaded with naturally-occurring sugars: sucrose, fructose, and glucose, which provide instant energy. The high levels of glucose also ensure that the body has energy for a longer period of time.

Yoghurt: Rich in magnesium, yoghurt helps the body release energy. It is a great post-workout snack as it helps reload glycogen sources.

Water: Water is the answer to all types of problems in summer. Science says that if you’re tired, you’re dehydrated, which results in a lower metabolic rate. So, drink a tall glass of water to fight dehydration and fatigue. Add some lemon or any citrus fruit to the water to further boost its flavour and nutritional content.

Watermelons: Watermelons are refreshing and contain Vitamin C, which adds a zing to your life in summer. Watermelons consist of 90 percent water, and are one of the best summer food for energy.

Mangoes: Mango is the king of fruits and is filled with Vitamins B and C, calcium, potassium, zinc, folate and proteins. When the sun is bogging you down this summer, just put some mango in your blender, add a little water and a tablespoon of sweetener or honey. This juice will instantly cool you down and prevent heat stroke.

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